Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sex Dreams A Plenty

last night i dreamed those kinds of sex dreams that are bothersome. not the kind that you wake up and feel like you totally just did Christian Bale and are in a dream induced orgasmic state. no these dreams are too difficult to explain.

so naturally i'll attempt to explain:

usually they involve someone i know personally. maybe i think they're cute. maybe i've spent too much time with them. maybe i don't even know that i think they're cute until i dream that we're flirting and taking it to the next level. and that's where it starts bothering my subconscious. maybe because my conscious mind knows that my husband matt is laying right there beside me sleeping soundly while i'm doing someone i know and will see day after day. i don't want to dream those dreams... so i wake myself up. then drift right back into the intercourse and make myself wake up again. over and over until my sleep is seriously destroyed for the evening. so yeah... i'm extremely sleepy today and i have to see the guy i dreamed about this evening and feel completely uncomfortable without him even knowing.

Sex dreams dominate my sleep life. that's why i don't post a lot b/c i really don't want to blog about those all that much. maybe if i start blogging about it, they'll stop.

I get them bad in the summer. when i take naps in the afternoon without the AC on. i get hot under the covers and that puts me in the deepest sleep i know. that's when the sex dreams happen... but it's not with people. i almost always dream of sex toys. buying them, using them, different kinds i've never used before. it's so strange. this kind of deep sleep is hard to wake up for me. when i do wake up it's difficult to break out of the dream state and i have to force myself to snap out of it. i remember the first time i actually went to buy a sex toy. it was totally brought on by one of my nap time sex dreams. i had never even used one but kept dreaming about it over and over. i woke up in that half sleep state, got in my car and bye the time i was there, i was finally completely awake and realized what i was doing. it's strange how my dream drove me to do something in my waking life.

a few weeks ago i had a sex dream about one of my bosses. it seriously disturbed me b/c a). i work for a religious organization and the boss i dreamed about is a pastor b). i see him daily and he's so incredibly nice. i am still not over that dream. every time i see him i get flashes of it and how much i enjoyed it in the dream. it's awful. i didn't want to dream it and i woke myself up time and time again but the dream finished it's full course whether i wanted it to or not.

i wish i could dream about doing Ewan McGregor more. those are the ones i'll sleep the complete night through and enjoy the whole time!

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