Thursday, May 8, 2008

YAY! A penis dream!

I haven't told many people about this reoccurring dream. i dream i have a penis. now, usually i dream this when i'm too warm under the covers, or maybe i'm especially horny or something.

my dream was that i had to perform all of these tasks and try to win the competition. there was a race down a slide similar to maybe "jewel of the nile", all grassy and muddy and ends in a puddle of muddy water. another task was to clean a very messy room before everyone else did. strange shit.

i had no idea of what the prize was but when i won... WOOO HOOO! i got to have a penis! usually when i have a penis dream, i just all of a sudden have one and it's a field day. i'll try... handling it. or... going and picking up a hot chick or dude. but just as it was in this one, i never get to finish. i can feel what it's like touching it and ... eeek... stroking it. but i can never, well... finish.

i can't wait until the next penis dream.

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