Tuesday, May 6, 2008

new dream, kinda

i'm haunted by a dream i had last night. it's going to be very hard to describe it. yesterday at the gym i saw something that reminded me of that movie "the moth man prophecies". b/c that movie was loosely based on a true story, i can't help but fear he'll come to me! it sounds stupid when i write it out. it was just a paint splotch on the back of a piece of paper, but it instantly brought that movie to my head. i kinda worried about it off and on the rest of the day which totally explains why i had this strange dream that i can't quite explain...

all i remember is that there was this entity. it was in a forbidden room, or space. somewhere i wasn't allowed to go to. of course i eventually got into the "space" and encountered the beast. it was... flaky. like flakes of candle wax infused to make a weird art piece. it was so strange. it also acted as a wax. it would try to engulf you and melt you into it. it moved around and changed shape constantly as it tried to devour your body. it was very strange and thinking about it now is raising my heart rate a little. every time i screamed for help it was like a vacuum. i couldn't even hear myself.

it was one of those dreams i couldn't shake. i can usually make myself wake up when i'm having a bad dream. i made myself wake up 3 times and when i drifted off, i was still wrestling the creature. i finally broke free, i think. i can't seem to remember.

it's still bothering me.

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