Monday, September 10, 2007

no teeth

i've been on vacation and although i dreamed a lot, i can't remember any of them now.

during a nap yesterday, i had strange dreams about me losing my teeth. they would just come out while i was eating or whatever. that's all i can remember.

that dream prompted me to floss twice last night.


Anonymous said...

All these years later and you still can't feel your teeth...

Jazzysoul said...

Hello Miss Lady Kier. Just found your blog. Well, I found it because I saw it on your myspace. And then I kept typing it wrong. First it was which is someone who doesn't know how to format.

Then it was sweetdreamsaremadeofTHIS which wasn't you.

Then I actually went back and looked closely and saw "ohhhhh...MYsweetdreams..." so...yeah, I found you.

Nice blog....will look into it more when I am not dog tired and barely awake.

Stay cool with the World Clique
