Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Hospital is Too Big for Me to Escape!

Now that i'm typing out that title, i seem to recall that i do have this dream often, in different variations. the one i had last night is actually two dreams i have that formed into one. it starts out with a day of fun with an unidentifiable friend. she is very familiar to me but i can't place her. we are at a VERY familiar amusement park. it is one i dream of often that starts out fun and ends up evil. while we are having fun and trying to catch the rides before they close (which is always the case in this dream), my friend gets a call that a loved one has been in an accident.

Cut to the evil hospital (which is the other dream). We are trying to find where her relative is and we are sent through a maze of hallways until we arrive at a pool. we have to get into bathing suits to see her relative (WTF? did her relative turn into an octopus ore something). as we're standing in line waiting to see them, i realize that i left my dog, Darcie, in the car since we had first arrived at the amusement park and i started to worry about her. i decided to cut loose from my unidentifiable friend and go get Darcie and give her some water. As i am leaving my friend begs me to stay and cries uncontrollably, but i MUST get to Darcie. that is when i realize the whole dream was trying to prevent me from getting to my dog. I try to leave the hospital, but as the dream always goes, i am lost behind door after door... hallway after hallway. after panic attacks and freak outs, i finally find myself outside only to be facing the evil amusement park.

it looks different now. it's dark. it's glowing these purple, green and blue colors as if it's under black light. it looks like a painting from the distance. I can see all the rides and by then i realize that i'm in the same dream that i've had many times. I know what to do to get past the evil rides and get out of that park. i MUST water and walk Darcie. i almost float past the rides as if i'm on a zip line and i get to the entrance/exit. it's then that the trouble starts. it's very strange to explain. these things... they pop up in lots of my dreams. they're eyes. then they're eyes and a nose. but not just one... thousands. and they make a noise... kinda like when mario smushes a turtle. actually. come to think of it, these things look very nintendo like. they are growing on the sidewalk and they're trying to grow on me. it's almost like when tar bubbles up... they are just bubbling up out of the sidewalk and forming. the faster i walk the faster the eyes multiply and then start growing noses. then faces and so on... they are assembling an army to keep me from Darcie. I try to fight them but they're too fast. i am being drowned in them and suddenly i KNOW what they are. i realize they are the things that terrorize me in my sleep and i burst through them and exit the evil amusement park.

it's then that i wake up and see my darling Darcie sleeping. as i take in the dream i realize i wasn't "completing the steps" to save Darcie, but i was doing them to actually wake up. dreams like that scare me. What if one day i can't complete the steps and i can't wake up?

What Sandra A. Thompson says:

Amusement Park : An Amusement park, if dark, quiet and empty, it may be time to open yourself to more fun and adventure. see carnival. (but what if it's quiet, dark, emty, and EVIL?)

Carnival : It may symbolize the need for fun; the chance to compete or show prowess; the opportunity to view freaks or distorted aspects of yourself at the sideshow. It can symbolize surges of energy/excitement; the "ups and downs" of life; frivolity; letting down inhibitions; or the goddess Car, patroness of carnivals. (carnival sounds a lot like ROLLER DERBY to me)

Hospital: Anxieties about your health; an existing medical situation; an upcoming medical experience; and ailing friend or family member (jill?). Occurrences in the hospital may reflect your feelings about past/present medical care. if there's no medical condition in your waking life, they may refer to your own inner ability to take care of yourself physically/emotionally. the book goes on....

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