Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The ex

I dream of Robert Hutton at least once a month. He was my first REAL boyfriend. I dated him at church and the boy was gorgeous. i was really surprised i could get a guy like that, little did i know he had a REAL girlfriend of his own at school. thus begins the story of my dating life.

I dream that i'm with Jayna Byrd at her house (which looks like my grandmother's trailer). We're tying to get her dogs to be friends with my cats. it's not working. something strange happens and my cats start multiplying. i know how to fix the problem, but i have to gather up all the little vyvyans, ricks, sassies and hatties and put them together before i can do this little magic trick thing to make them all one again. i finally do it, keep them locked in one room away from the dogs, and Jayna and i go looking for some fun.

We decide it would be fun to look up Robert Hutton and see what he's been up to for the last... umm, 15 years. how Jayna knows him is beyond me, but it was TOTALLY her idea. We cruise his old neighborhood and luckily we find him very easy... he's still living with his parents. i get up the nerve to walk up and say hi to him in his front yard and he doesn't recognize me (which happens in every dream about him). I notice how good looking he still is, but he def looks a bit old in the eyes. we have a conversation about what we've been up to and jayna takes off to check on the animals.

Robert and i go into his house and it looks the same. i see his sister and we chat for a bit. Rob goes on and on about himself and i get bored after awhile and want to leave. He keeps trying to hit on me, but i know better. i tell him i have an awesome husband and matt's cuter than he ever was.


this dream (besides the weirdness of jayna being there and the whole cat multiplying thing) seems to make perfect sense to me... i found true happiness after years of being with the wrong men. i shouldn't look to other men to fulfill something i already have. :)

Lets see what Sandra A Thompson has to say:

cat(s)- Instinctual energy that's been tamed and is relatively close to consciousness; feminine power/energy; the feminine archetype; female genitals. (nice! this makes PERFECT sense to me on so many levels)

dog(s) - loyalty/fidelity, especially to your own values/intentions; therefore, your ability to go forward in the world with a strong internal base. (matt!)

magic - Having magical powers represents the capacity to get what you want, to make your dreams come true. it may represent your own special, unique abilities; a reaction to feelings of powerlessness in waking life; a need for control...over the elements, your inner nature.

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