Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Retro Dream :Tim is Dead

ok so i had another dream about my first boyfriend, Rob, last night. it really disturbs me that i keep dreaming of him. there's got to be a reason.

that got me thinking of the dream that really haunts my life. i had it about 8 or 9 years ago and it still sticks to me as if i dreamed it last night. i truly believe that it was a dream telling me someone was in danger. so enjoy.

Matt and i are on our honeymoon and we're coming back to our new home (at this point in life, we weren't even engaged). Our home is in a new town, a Transylvanian town. When we get to the gates, we see a riot. The townspeople are in a rage with pitchforks and torches. then they all collectively turn to face us and start chasing us. we're the people they're raging against.

cut to the front of our new house. it's a castle. we run in and bar the doors shut with the big wooden bar like in the movies. we hear them all. "WHERE'S TIMMY!?" over and over. "WE KNOW YOU KILLED HIM!" they're banging on the door. they're banging on the windows. "HE DISAPPEARED AS SOON AS YOU LEFT FOR YOUR TRIP! WHERE IS HE!?!?"

Matt turns to me and says "do you know a Timmy? i can't think of one i know." i start thinking really hard and suddenly a kid i knew that lived down the street from me, Tim Yeagley, popped in my head. "i knew a Timmy when i was growing up" i said.

"Think of him and search for him quickly", Matt says.

We run through the castle looking in each room. We finally come to our new bedroom. it's all laid out for our welcome. roses everywhere. candles. petals on the bed. then i suddenly know where Timmy is. i look under the bed and there he is, covered in clothes. He's dead.

i make myself wakeup, but i am sweating. I sit up and yell his name "TIMMY". it wakes matt up and he literally has to calm me down.

about a week later i'm working at Bombay when a childhood friend walks in, Chris. We're talking and catching up when i realize, this is Timmy's brother. i ask him how Tim is, in a slow quiet manner. Chris asks me what's wrong and i tell him i had a dream about his brother. he says "Was it a death dream"? i froze and nodded. He told me that Tim was overseas with the millitary and had an accident and had been seriously hurt the past week and they weren't sure if he'd make it. i seriously felt my stomach fall out of my body. i had the creeps for weeks.

i have no doubt that i dreamed about Tim the day he got hurt overseas.

I just friended Timmy on Facebook today. I'm so happy he made it!