Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Nap Dream

i HAD to get a nap yesterday. I took some over the counter allergy meds that was NOT Zyrtec, and i was soo crazy sleepy. i swear i dreamed i ate taco bell chips and cheese for an hour straight. that was all. and it was like i was seeing the chips. like it was first person.


the book has nothing on nachos in there.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Freaky High School

I've been away for awhile. I've been learning to DJ from a friend and it's gone really well. it seems that my love of music has reignited once again. the problem with that is the music was taking over my dream life. i dreamed maybe once a week for the past few months and then i would forget them quickly due to some random song playing in my head as i woke up.

Finally the dreams have returned. and just in time for a FREAKY experience!

I dream that i've been invited to a formal affair at my old high school. Glitz, glam, very Academy Awards-ish. all the alumni are invited. not being one to turn down a chance to dress up, i return the rsvp and go dress shopping.

cut to the event.

i arrive and find no one from the class of '94 there. the event is held in the old auditorium. i walk in and am announced by myself... "Heather Hamlin O'Bryan. Class of 1994". i enter and see someone waving at me. it's an actual classmate, Noel Dillard. i take a seat next to him. i hadn't thought about Noel in years. he was a troubled kid. he was picked on relentlessly and fought back with tooth and nail. it did not make it easy being friends with him. sometimes the fighting back would get so loud and rude, it'd turn on you and he'd start spewing at his own friends. i don't blame him. kids are cruel.

after awhile of boring awards (of which i have no idea what it was for), we skip out to check out the old school. we go to the old smoking block. we try to hack into our old lockers. we just have fun being dressed up and kids again. it was an incredibly fun dream. i dream of high school quite often and it's never actually a good dream, it's usually very scary. it was a nice change.


all day this kid, Noel, was in my mind. i never thought i'd think about him again. last time i saw him was a few years after graduation. i had grown my hair out and discovered it was VERY curly. when we ran into each other, he told me i looked like Medusa. now i know he was just kidding but back then i was so insecure, i held that with me for a long time.

i decide to go look him up. where do i always start when i go to look someone up? MYSPACE.

log on.

new messages

Subj: Heather's Glenvar High!

from: NOEL.


Lets see what Sandra A Thompson has to say...

School (there was no “High School” in the dreamer’s dictionary) – It is likely some recent situation awakened old anxieties/insecurities about skills/abilities. (DJing the art show perhaps?)

Award (there was no “Award Show” in the dreamer dictionary) - Consider who’s receiving the award, for what, and how you feel about it to help you decide whether you’re honoring yourself; have a wish for recognition; Could the dream be saying you’ve been abandoned or are alone – orphaned in some way? (that last part is a crock.)

Friend – if known, but the dream situation doesn’t reflect an actual waking situation, the image/character may represent characteristics you need to incorporate/recognize in yourself.

I can see that maybe my dream was pointing out my nervousness about the Art Show but then telling me that it’s ok, I should honor myself. Maybe i also need to be tougher, like Noel, about some situations i've been slinking away from lately. i need to stand up for myself and not let others run over me.

you know i put no stock into this dream dictionary, right? but it's FUN to try to figure it out!